2025 Total Player Development Camps


Our Total Player Development Camps are the most comprehensive development camps that we offer. Run by our Head Instructors, on-ice instruction is extremely focused and detail oriented to improve player strides and explosiveness while also teaching players about shooting, passing and puck protection techniques. Players are then placed into competitive drills and position-specific drills to practice applying their skills under pressured situations that they will see in games. Off-ice instruction focuses on a mixture of teaching players off-ice training techniques in strength, agility and mobility, while also incorporating fun games to build teamwork and leadership skills. Each camp is run with a lower player to instructor ratio than our Get Active Camps to allow for players to get more reps and feedback from our instructors.

Camp Details:

U9/U11:   July 14-18th (wait list) & Aug 18-22nd (wait list)

U13/U15: July 21-25th & Aug 18-22nd (wait list)

Time: 9am-3pm

Location: FWFN2

Cost: $550 (incl HST)

Tentative Itinerary:

8:30-9am               Drop Off

9-9:30am               Off-Ice Warm-Up

9:30-11am              On-Ice Session #1

11:15-12pm              Off-Ice Training

12-12:30pm            Lunch

12:30-1pm              Leadership Skill Building

1-2pm                     On-Ice Session #2

2:15-3pm                Off-Ice Games

3:00pm                  Pick Up

Player Registration

Please fill out the following form for player registration.

Medical Information

Refund Policy In order to hold a participants spot in any of our camps, a $50 non-refundable down payment is required. The remainder of the cost is due on the first day of camp.

Payments can be made by cash or cheque. Please make cheques payable to Fox School of Hockey.

Fox School of Hockey reserves the right to cancel camps at any time due to low enrolment. In the event of this happening, you will be notified by phone and your money will be fully refunded.

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