SPRING SKILLS CAMPS Mondays- April 21, 28 & May 5, 12, 26 6-7pm U7 7-8pm U9 8-9pm U11 Location: FWFN1 Cost: $200 Wednesdays- April 23, 30 & May 7, 14, 21 6:15-7:15pm U13 7:15-8:15pm Private & Small Group Sessions 8:15-9:15pm Private & Small Group Sessions Location: FWFN2 Cost: $200 Register Here!Register Here! Thank you for connecting with us. 11http://www.foxschoolofhockey.com/wp-content/plugins/nex-forms-express-wp-form-builderfalsemessagehttp://www.foxschoolofhockey.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.phphttp://www.foxschoolofhockey.com/2019/01/22/springskillscampyes1fadeInfadeOut defaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultPlayer RegistrationPlease fill out the following player registration form. Age Group--- Select ---U7U9U11U13defaultNameAddressCityProvincePostal CodePirmary PhoneAlternative PhoneEmailLast Team PlayedPositionLast Level PlayedDate of BirthGender--- Select ---MaleFemalePrefer not to discloseHow Did You Hear About UsRefund Policy: Players must cancel 7 days in advance. Payments can be made by cash, cheque or EMT. Please make cheques payable to Fox School of Hockey. Fox School of Hockey reserves the right to cancel camps at any time due to low enrolment. In the event of this happening, you will be notified by phone and your money will be fully refunded.I have read and understand the Refund Policy.YesI have read and understand the Reliability Policy.YesSubmit Share this article FACEBOOK twitter google plus Pinterest Linkedin Previous reading 2024 Female Development Camp Next reading 2022 On-Ice Only Week 2