2025 Ignace Development Camp


We’re extremely excited to return to Ignace to run our Total Player Development Camps again! These camps will offer on-ice instruction and drills to focus on improving player strides, edge work, passing, stick handling and shooting. Combined with our off-ice strength, speed and agility training, this is the perfect mix to help players improve their skills while having fun doing it! For more information you can check out our daily itinerary below!

Camp Details:

Date: July 7-10th (4 day camp)

Age Groups: U9/U11


Time: 9am-3pm

Location: Ignace Arena

Cost: $500 (HST incl)

*camp requires 20 players to run

Tentative Itinerary:

8:30-9am                Drop Off

9-9:30am                Off-Ice Warm-Up

9:30-11am               On-Ice Session #1

11:15-12pm              Off-Ice Training

12-12:30pm             Lunch

12:45-2:15pm          On-Ice Session #2

2:30-3pm                Off-Ice Games

3:00pm                   Pick Up

Player Registration

Please fill out the following form for player registration.

Medical Information

Refund Policy- a $50 non-refundable down payment is required once the camp has been confirmed in order to secure your spot. The remainder of the cost is due on the first day of camp.

Payments can be made by cash or cheque. Please make cheques payable to Fox School of Hockey.

Fox School of Hockey reserves the right to cancel camps at any time due to low enrolment. In the event of this happening, you will be notified by phone and your money will be fully refunded.

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